"A curriculum designed to equip students for the challenging world of the twenty-first century needs to ensure that students develop as people who take increasing responsibility for their own physical wellbeing, their own learning, their own relationships with others and their role in the local, national and global community."
Victorian Essential Learning Standards, Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Victoria, Australia (2008).
Physical education in a PYP school is more than just student participation in sports and games. Its purpose is to develop a combination of transferrable skills promoting physical, intellectual, emotional and social development; to encourage present and future choices that contribute to long-term healthy living; and to understand the cultural significance of physical activities for individuals and communities. Therefore, in the PYP, there should be specific opportunities for learning about movement and through movement in a range of contexts. Students of all abilities are challenged to improve their movement skills, but they are also supported and encouraged to enjoy physical activity and see it as part of a healthy and active lifestyle with connections to other areas of the curriculum and community.
Source : making the PYP happen
At AIS, we teach PSPE in all grades KG-Gr5 while focusing on all IB concepts relating to physical education, health, teamwork, sportsmanship, leadership, endurance and responsibility for the school as a whole.
In addition to daily PSPE activities and lessons, we offer after school team sports and activity clubs, little league, gymnastics, fencing…to name a few; in order to present the children with a wider variety of sports and fitness opportunities.
As for the MYP:
Physical and Health Education supports the progress of knowledge, skills and positive attitudes which will impact and outline the students’ lifestyle and behavior on the long run. The Physical and Health Education course uncovers various life- related topics, and encourages practical and active implementation of learning, Physical and Health Education course exemplifies the holistic nature of health and happiness.
Moreover it develops the students’ perspectives towards accepting others as the course promotes sports spirit among students; they will acquire / learn how to reciprocate appreciation and respect the ideas of others as well as embrace differences. The learner must realize the impact of developing interpersonal, effective collaboration and communication skills.
This discipline keenly supports the ongoing development of the IB learner profile as it emphasizes on positive relationships that can help learners to develop self- awareness and social responsibility towards local and global communities.